
Tag: Data Architecture

BI Categories, Data Mining

Combining Data Mesh and Data Fabric

July 24, 2024


Data silos represent a major business challenge, as noted by 60.9% of organizations in a recent Trends in Data Management survey. Without shared information, companies risk duplication, poor data quality, and missed opportunities for innovation. Consequently, many companies turn to […]


Integrate Data Architecture with Business Operations to Boost Success Now

July 15, 2024


In the contemporary data-driven business landscape, the seamless integration of data architecture with business operations has become critical for success. There is a symbiosis between sophisticated data architectures and operational agility that demonstrates how this integration facilitates real-time decision-making, predictive analytics, […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Implementing Data Fabric: 7 Key Steps

July 9, 2024


Understanding the importance of data integration is vital in the intricate process of implementing a data fabric. Data fabric architecture aims to create a unified and integrated environment for managing an organization’s data sprawl across various platforms and systems. Within […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Data Integrity Through Legacy Modernization

June 12, 2024


Legacy systems are the backbone of many businesses, especially those in the industry for decades. These systems ensure a stable and reliable platform for conducting smooth business operations. However, decade-old legacy systems can also pose risks and challenges to data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Why Your Business Needs Data Modeling and Business Architecture Integration

May 31, 2024


In the contemporary business environment, the integration of data modeling and business structure is not only advantageous but crucial. This dynamic pair of documents serves as the foundation for strategic decision-making, providing organizations with a distinct pathway toward success. Data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Unlocking the Power of Data with Process Mining 

April 5, 2024


Data is invaluable to an organization, but it can also represent a major stumbling block if an enterprise hasn’t optimized how data is used to support processes that run operations. Process mining can play a role in helping organizations get […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

How to Become a Data Engineer

March 6, 2024


The work of data engineers is extremely technical. They are responsible for designing and maintaining the architecture of data systems, which incorporates concepts ranging from analytic infrastructures to data warehouses. A data engineer needs to have a solid understanding of […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Architecture Trends in 2024

January 2, 2024


Data Architecture, the corporate infrastructure connecting business and data strategies, will face competing priorities in 2024. On the one hand, nearly half of organizations will gravitate toward modernizing their data architectures to increase operational real-time analytics and enable AI and […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Conceptual vs. Logical vs. Physical Data Modeling

November 16, 2023


Businesses face lightning-fast and massive data growth “at a time when analytical capabilities cannot even come close to meeting them,” said Dr. Peter Aiken at his recent Data-Edwebinar, “Conceptual vs. Logical vs. Physical Data Modeling.” An acknowledged Data Management authority […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Elements of a Modern Data Warehouse

November 7, 2023


Businesses are generating vast amounts of information every second. Traditional data warehouses, which were once considered the gold standard for handling and analyzing large datasets, are struggling to keep up with the rapid pace of data growth and evolving analytics […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

What Is Data Architecture? Components and Uses

November 2, 2023


Data Architecture describes the infrastructure that connects a Business Strategy and Data Strategy with technical execution. Ideally, Data Architecture happens within a systematic framework, providing a foundation for people and systems to work with data. Three types of components underlie […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Getting Executive Buy-in for Data Management

September 26, 2023


Within the last several years, the marketplace has shifted from industrial-produced to data-based. Consequently, many companies have a strong drive to become data-driven, from financial firms to nonprofits. Yet, when C-suite managers and others discuss making money from data, they […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Managing Data as a Product: What, Why, How

September 5, 2023


The concept of managing “data as a product” involves a paradigm shift. By treating data as a product designed for consumer use, rather than a pool of semi-chaotic information, businesses can increase their profits. Many businesses have set up customized […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Core Data Concepts for Digital Transformation

August 29, 2023


Without a clear understanding of core data concepts, communications around implementing an organizational Data Management initiative can become a muddle. As different teams come together to plan and organize data activities, they must integrate what they mean about data with […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Mesh: A Pit Stop on the Road to a Data-Centric Culture

July 3, 2023


The noble effort to build a “data-centric” culture is really a journey, not a destination. With that perspective, we can understand that no matter how good a given environment seems to be –especially compared to whatever existed before – there’s […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Latest Unisphere Research Survey Reveals Top Data Architecture Trends for 2023 and Beyond

June 21, 2023

Via: Database Trends and Applications

Now that we’re emerging from the pandemic and the dust is starting to settle, organizations are taking a good, hard look at their digital transformation and modernization priorities moving forward. To shed light on the adoption and maturity of trending […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Understanding Data Mesh Principles

June 8, 2023


ThoughtWorks consultant Zhamak Dehghani defines data mesh as a “decentralized sociotechnical approach to sharing, accessing, and managing analytical data in complex and large-scale environments – within or across organizations.” This type of Data Architecture continues to generate interest among corporations, […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Your Data Architecture Holds the Key to Unlocking AI’s Full Potential

April 4, 2023

Via: CIO

In the words of J.R.R. Tolkien, “shortcuts make long delays.” I get it, we live in an age of instant gratification, with Doordash and Grubhub meals on-demand, fast-paced social media and same-day Amazon Prime deliveries. But I’ve learned that in […]

BI Users, Business Users

How to Become an Enterprise Architect

March 29, 2023


The role of enterprise architect ranked as Glassdoor’s best job in America in 2022 in terms of salary, job satisfaction, and available positions. Yet enterprise architecture is among the most routinely misunderstood professions in the corporate world, straddling the divide […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Innovating with Data Mesh and Data Governance

March 14, 2023


Large organizations want to create a flexible environment to innovate and respond quickly based on new data insights. But at the same time, these businesses want some structure for good Data Quality, data fit for consumption, simplifying and speeding up […]