
Tag: data integrity

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Integrity: What It Is and Why It Matters

June 20, 2024


The term “garbage in, garbage out,” or GIGO, dates back to the earliest days of commercial computing in the mid-20th century. Yet the concept was present more than 100 years earlier at the very dawn of computing. When Charles Babbage […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Data Integrity Through Legacy Modernization

June 12, 2024


Legacy systems are the backbone of many businesses, especially those in the industry for decades. These systems ensure a stable and reliable platform for conducting smooth business operations. However, decade-old legacy systems can also pose risks and challenges to data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Types of Data Integrity

April 16, 2024


Over time, different types of data integrity systems and methods for promoting data integrity have been developed. Data integrity emphasizes confirming the data remains unchanged and consistent over the data’s entire lifecycle. In essence, the data remains pure and uncorrupted. […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Quality Assessment: Measuring Success

September 27, 2023


The goal of a Data Quality assessment is not only to identify incorrect data but to also estimate the damage done to the business’s processes and to implement corrective actions. Many large businesses struggle to maintain the quality of their […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

The Crucial Role of Data Lifecycle Management in Driving Business Success

September 1, 2023


No matter what industry you work in, Data Management is increasingly important for your career and performance. Information is no longer separate bits of data – the internet of things (IoT) and big data mean that every piece of data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Building Resilient Data Ecosystems for Safeguarding Data Integrity and Security

August 16, 2023


The term “big data” is no longer the exclusive preserve of big companies. Businesses of all sizes increasingly see the benefits of being data-driven. Various factors have moved along this evolution, ranging from widespread use of cloud services to the […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Integrity vs. Data Quality

July 25, 2023


Data Quality and data integrity are both important aspects of data analytics. With the rapid development of data analytics, data can be considered one of the most important assets a business owns. As a result, many organizations collect massive amounts […]

BI Users, Business Users

Ending the ‘forever war’ against shadow IT

June 20, 2023

Via: CIO

One of the most important accountabilities of the modern CIO is data integrity. The corporation must be confident that the data it uses to make strategic business decisions is safe, accurate, and private. There is no question that the IT […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Database Management Best Practices

February 2, 2023


Database management best practices promote the efficient use of data throughout the organization. These practices support the collection and storage of quality data, as well as provide easy access to the data by the appropriate people. With today’s data growing […]

BI Security

How to Become a Data Security Analyst

September 22, 2022


A data security analyst, also known as an information security analyst, is responsible for monitoring and analyzing network activity to identify potential threats or risks. Data security analysts primarily analyze data, conduct research, and use complex analytical tools to address […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

When and Why to Use SQL for Database Analysis

August 29, 2022


As the world begins to generate more data than ever before, a range of tools has been created that help to deal directly with the rising tide. The market for products and tools that help us deal with data is […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

How to Overcome the Plateau of Data Analytics Advancement in Today’s Data Overload

July 18, 2022


The last few years have seen an astronomical increase in the amount of data being created, stored, and shared. According to the IDC, 64.2 zettabytes of data were created or replicated in 2020 largely due to the dramatic increase in […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Measuring Data Consistency

June 8, 2022


Measuring data consistency can tell a researcher how valuable and useful their data is. However, the term “data consistency” can be confusing. There are three versions of it. When the term is applied to databases, it describes data consistency within […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Talend Fall ?21 Release Introduces Data Health Concepts Across its Platform

November 4, 2021

Via: Database Trends and Applications

Talend, a global leader in data integration and data integrity, is introducing its Fall ’21 release, offering new service, product, and packaging innovations. With this release, Talend applies data health concepts across its platform to help everyone from business leaders […]