
Tag: relational databases

BI Categories, Data Mining

The Bottom-Line Business Benefits of Distributed Multi-Master Relational Databases

October 12, 2023

Via: Database Trends and Applications

Today’s applications—including enterprise applica­tions—need to be always on and always available and often must serve a global base of users who expect almost instantaneous response times regardless of where they are located. Meeting these challenges doesn’t just mean happier users: […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

NoSQL vs. SQL: Five Key Differences

August 24, 2023


NoSQL and SQL are the two primary forms of database used to store and manage digital data, with each providing key differences that support advantages and disadvantages. SQL deals with relational databases and NoSQL deals with non-relational databases. Both methods […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

The Future of Database Management Systems

June 16, 2022


As the amount of data generated globally grows exponentially, data-driven businesses are increasingly turning to more innovative database management systems to store, manage, and process all that data. This article provides an overview of database management, how it has evolved […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

The best distributed relational databases

July 8, 2019

Via: InfoWorld

Relational SQL databases, which have been around since the 1980s, historically ran on mainframes or single servers—that’s all we had. If you wanted the database to handle more data and run faster, you had to put it on a bigger […]