
Tag: Metadata

Basic Querying, BI Categories

What Is a Data Dictionary?

March 13, 2024


A data dictionary describes data in business terms, including information about the data. It includes elements like data types, structure details, and security restrictions. Unlike business glossaries, which focus on data across the organization, data dictionaries support data architectures – […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Metadata Management Challenges

January 17, 2024

Via: Database Trends and Applications

Earlier in 2023, we discussed The Importance of Metadata here in the DBA Corner column. And, indeed, metadata is more important than ever before because it helps us to understand our data. Data without metadata lacks meaning, making it difficult […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Metadata Management Challenges

January 11, 2024

Via: Database Trends and Applications

Earlier in 2023, we discussed The Importance of Metadata here in the DBA Corner column. And, indeed, metadata is more important than ever before because it helps us to understand our data. Data without metadata lacks meaning, making it difficult […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Metadata Management Best Practices

November 8, 2023


Using metadata management best practices helps to maximize the value of the data stored by an organization. Finding the right data after it has been placed in storage can be difficult if the storage system has no organization. Metadata is […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

How to Become a Data Modeler

July 27, 2023


There is always a need for data modelers. However, the job description of this career field varies, depending on the needs of the organization. For example, if you become a data modeler working for a startup, you might coordinate with […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

AI & ChatGPT: Do You Trust Your Data?

July 10, 2023

Via: CMSWire

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning provide metadata and require metadata to work. The ideas of AI and machine learning are no longer science fiction, let alone fiction. They have become an applied practice and discipline in business. Machine learning […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

4 Essential Data Management Principles

May 12, 2023


Data is central to modern businesses. However, most companies fumble their approach to Data Management and fail to draw insights as a result. Data Management might seem like a back-office function, but it is critical to a modern company’s success. […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Why Metadata Is a Critical Asset for Storage and IT Managers

May 12, 2023


We live in a data-driven economy, but what lies beneath the data is hidden gold. Metadata, or data that describes data, delivers many benefits for storage and IT managers. Yet metadata is complex, vast, and distributed across hybrid cloud infrastructure. […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Unstructured data and the storage it needs

February 27, 2023

Via: ComputerWeekly

IDC estimates that upwards of 80% of business information is likely to be formed of unstructured data by 2025. And while “unstructured” can be something of a misnomer, because all files have some sort of metadata by which they can […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

The Future of Data Modeling in Data Governance

February 15, 2023


The process of Data Modeling is playing an increasingly important role when creating or improving a Data Governance program. Data Governance has become extremely complex, and the use of Data Modeling promotes understanding. One basic reason for the increasing complexity […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

The Importance of Metadata

February 9, 2023

Via: Database Trends and Applications

Today, nobody argues about the importance of data. It is a given that data must be collected, managed, and analyzed to conduct business successfully in the modern era. But all too often the meaning of the data is not being […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Key Components of a Successful Data Strategy

February 8, 2023


A successful data strategy generally requires the use of certain key components. Most businesses have invested in some form of Data Management, but all too often different sections of a business aren’t terribly well coordinated. A data strategy can be […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Metadata Management vs. Master Data Management

January 18, 2023


Businesses rely on knowing their data to survive and grow. Metadata management and master data management (MDM) provide essential processes for organizations to gain this knowledge and succeed. As a result, both need to be managed well. However, the differences […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Lineage Demystified

January 5, 2023


What Is Data Lineage? Data lineage describes data origins, movements, characteristics, and quality. According to Stewart Bond, lineage typically describes where the big data begins and how it is changed to the final outcome. Technology projects have used this traditional […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

How to Govern a Business Glossary

December 28, 2022


Many people see the dictionary as a thing of unquestionable authority, with words and meanings that rarely change. Likewise, in corporate culture, business leaders often mistake the business glossary – a collection of data-related terms and definitions used within an […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Advances in Metadata Management

October 13, 2022


With the flood of data that organizations are experiencing, metadata management is no longer optional – it has become a necessity. The concept of metadata management is fairly new because older metadata services, before this rush of data, had no […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Do You Really Need a Data Catalog?

September 6, 2022


A data catalog can be an excellent resource for a business. An important element of modern metadata management, it can make many workflows and business processes clearer, encourage better cross-departmental collaboration, and boost productivity in several key ways. Gretchen Burnham […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

The Importance of Managing Your Metadata

August 26, 2022


Businesses that realize the value of their data and make the effort to utilize it to its greatest potential are quickly outcompeting those that do not. But like any complex system, the architectures that utilize big data must be carefully […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

How to Implement a Data Quality Framework

August 22, 2022


According to IDC, 30-50% of businesses experience gaps between their data expectations and reality. They have the data they need, but due to the presence of intolerable defects, they cannot use it as needed. These defects – also called Data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Trustability: The Bridge Between Data Quality and Data Observability

August 15, 2022


If data is the new oil, then high-quality data is the new black gold. Just like with oil, if you don’t have good data quality, you will not get very far. You might not even make it out of the […]