
Tag: management

BI Users, Executive

6 signs an IT manager is struggling — and how to help

September 5, 2023

Via: CIO

IT managers increasingly find themselves oversubscribed, challenged, and in many cases floundering, and it’s little wonder why. Pressured to do more with less, faster, in flatter organizational structures, IT middle managers serve as a company catchall, with too much time […]

BI Users, Business Users

Why knowledge management is foundational to AI success

July 31, 2023

Via: CIO

Amid all the conversations about how AI is revolutionizing work—making everyday tasks more efficient and repeatable and multiplying the efforts of individuals—it’s easy to get a bit carried away: What can’t AI do? Despite its name, generative AI—AI capable of […]

BI Users, Business Users

Don’t overlook attack surface management

May 16, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

When it comes to securing cloud computing environments, one key aspect often goes overlooked: attack surface management (ASM). Why? Many cloud security training programs, including specific cloud provider certifications, don’t focus on it. Instead, they focus on specific tools and […]

BI Users, Business Users

Are your branch offices suffering from poor performance?

May 15, 2023

Via: Network World

Branch offices play a critical role in the success of a business, contributing significantly to its bottom line. Despite that, branch offices often do not have all the pieces of the puzzle in place for robust performance and threat management […]

BI Users, Business Users

IT technical fellowship: A new path to the top

August 10, 2021

Via: CIO

Close your eyes and imagine if your top technical individual contributor within software infrastructure, cybersecurity, software development, and data center operations all came to you tomorrow and, each for his/her own reasons, gave notice that they were leaving your company. […]

BI Users, Executive

6 IT management traps to avoid

July 12, 2021

Via: CIO

IT leadership is challenging work. In addition to devising technology strategies that create maximum business value on a budget, you have to establish and motivate a highly productive team capable of tackling a wide range of technical issues while executing […]

BI Users, Executive, IT Team

12 project management myths to avoid

April 30, 2021

Via: CIO

Every industry, profession, and company develops and operates with rules and guidelines. Alongside these, myths emerge, and the project management profession is no different. When projects become plenty, work more hectic, and time is limited, it can become tempting to […]

Software & Systems

Product funding and the burden of agility

June 21, 2019

Via: CIO

Enterprises create value by investing in opportunities that promise a high return (outcome over cost) and a low risk (variance of outcome, time and cost). From an investor or sponsor perspective, this rule applies equally to the traditional and agile […]

Software & Systems

How to stop the chaos and truly collaborate

March 14, 2019

Via: CIO

There’s a business analyst/architect group, a process innovation group, a design thinking group, a technology group and more. Not all of these groups are internal. Some of them are external. Tech vendors try to push new technologies. Management consultants try […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Three reasons for three bullet points

October 2, 2018

Via: CIO

When it comes to good slide management, advice on how many bullets you should have on each PowerPoint slide is all over the place: anywhere from ZERO to 7. Different authorities have 6X6 or 7X7 rules governing the number of […]

BI Categories, BI Users, Data Mining, IT Team

The Right Infrastructure Management Can Help You Tackle Growth Before it Tackles You

September 20, 2018

Via: CIO

Many IT admins often sit back and reminisce about the days when life was easier, simpler. Maybe they are looking out at a business and a data center that is growing faster than they can keep up with, or a […]

Software & Systems

4 ways tech will shape workforce management in 2017

November 28, 2016

Via: CIO

It’s not too early to start thinking about your workforce management strategy for 2017. In 2016, organizations realized the importance of organizational efficiency, employee well-being and workplace wellness as well as engagement, flexibility, career growth and planning. You can expect […]