
Tag: data modeling

BI Categories, Data Mining

Why Your Business Needs Data Modeling and Business Architecture Integration

May 31, 2024


In the contemporary business environment, the integration of data modeling and business structure is not only advantageous but crucial. This dynamic pair of documents serves as the foundation for strategic decision-making, providing organizations with a distinct pathway toward success. Data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Handling Data Concerns in 2024 and Onwards

January 5, 2024


Looking back, then forward, is a traditional exercise by year-end. Which data concerns are important enough to worry about in 2024? Which of those do we stand a chance of doing something good for in 2024? Needless to say, money […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Modeling Trends in 2024

December 5, 2023


Expect an increase in business-driven and elegant Data Modeling – the plans, and activities around diagramming requirements for data architecture. These Data Modeling trends will gain traction as budgets for newer projects decrease and mandates to improve Data Quality increase, […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Conceptual vs. Logical vs. Physical Data Modeling

November 16, 2023


Businesses face lightning-fast and massive data growth “at a time when analytical capabilities cannot even come close to meeting them,” said Dr. Peter Aiken at his recent Data-Edwebinar, “Conceptual vs. Logical vs. Physical Data Modeling.” An acknowledged Data Management authority […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

The Data Warehouse Development Lifecycle Explained

November 2, 2023


The desire to leverage data as a strategic asset has led to the development of sophisticated systems and methodologies that go beyond basic data storage and retrieval. Among these advancements is modern data warehousing, a comprehensive approach that provides access […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Provisioning: Ingest, Curate, and Publish

August 21, 2023


A collection of facts from which inferences can be made is called data. It is the basis on which factual information is derived, providing relevant results to the end users. Data is the cornerstone of contemporary society and is crucial […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

How to Become a Data Modeler

July 27, 2023


There is always a need for data modelers. However, the job description of this career field varies, depending on the needs of the organization. For example, if you become a data modeler working for a startup, you might coordinate with […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Connecting the Three Spheres of Data Management to Unlock Value

May 1, 2023


Many organizations have mapped out the systems and applications of their data landscape. Many have documented their most critical business processes. Many have modeled their data domains and key attributes. But only very few have succeeded in connecting the knowledge […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Achieving Smoother, Quicker Data Modeling

March 8, 2023


When the Navy SEALS embraced its motto, “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast,” they may as well have been discussing building data models in the same breath. The SEALS chose the phrase to remind its participants not to rush […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

The Future of Data Modeling in Data Governance

February 15, 2023


The process of Data Modeling is playing an increasingly important role when creating or improving a Data Governance program. Data Governance has become extremely complex, and the use of Data Modeling promotes understanding. One basic reason for the increasing complexity […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Types of Data Models and Their Uses

December 29, 2022


Businesses can benefit from Data Modeling in a variety of important ways. Data models serve two primary purposes. They can be designed to represent the organization’s current data system, providing an understanding of how the data flows through an organization, […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Modeling Trends in 2023: A Refresh

November 22, 2022


Data Modeling, the practice of diagramming Data Architecture and aligning core business rules with data definitions, will go through a refresh in 2023. Organizations will assess and make over their data fabrics, which describe distributed Data Management systems. Furthermore, managers […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

A Guide to Time Series Databases

September 15, 2022


Time series databases (or TSDBs) are databases that have been optimized for processing time series data. Time series data is made up of data records that are indexed using timestamps. The timestamps provide a reference for each of the data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

7 Key Features of Data Management Systems

August 31, 2022


Data Management is the practice of gathering, organizing, securing, and storing data for an organization so it can be analyzed for business decisions. Data Management helps minimize potential errors by setting processes and policies around its usage and building confidence […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Modeling 101

August 16, 2022


Data Modeling creates a visual representation of a data system as a whole or as parts of it. The goal is to communicate the kinds of data being used and saved within the system. A data model should also show […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Primary Data Modeling Techniques

July 28, 2022


Data Modeling techniques are used to create a map or blueprint showing how an organization gathers and processes data. Data models help to define the logical structure for an organization’s data. Data Modeling techniques are necessary for businesses wanting to […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Modeling Data is Important

July 7, 2022

Via: Database Trends and Applications

Data modeling has always been a task that seems positioned in the middle of a white-water rapids with a paddle but no canoe. On one side of the data modeling rapids are the raging agilists who are demanding working software […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Better Data Modeling with Lean Methodology

February 10, 2022


The process used today in systems development started with principles developed for assembly lines in the 1950s, when manufacturers wanted a more disciplined approach to producing goods and services.Products would come off an assembly line, they’d be inspected, defects would […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

What Every Business Leader Needs to Know About Data Modeling

February 4, 2022


The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that data-driven decisions have influenced all our lives over the last two years. But decisions made without proper data foundations, such as well-constructed and updated data models, can lead to potentially disastrous results. For example, […]

BI Categories, Business Analysis

What Predictive Analytics Are and How They Can Help Your Business

January 20, 2022

Via: CMSWire

Analytics is an important part of managing a business today. There are many types of analytics techniques, with predictive and prescriptive analytics being two key ones. But what is predictive analytics, and what is it used for? Predictive Analytics Today […]