
Tag: programming

BI Users, IT Team

Do programming certifications still matter?

October 31, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Demand for programmers remains high across industries, as companies look to develop new technology solutions to solve business challenges or take advantage of growth opportunities. Considering the state of supply and demand, is it really worthwhile for software developers to […]

Software & Systems

What AI won’t replace in your programming

October 23, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Datasette founder Simon Willison declares that “there has never been a better time to learn to program,” and it’s not because AI is going to do your coding for you. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. “Large language models flatten […]

Software & Systems

What is reactive programming? Programming with event streams

July 21, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Reactive programming is an important facet of modern software development. It’s often described as a paradigm, but what does that mean? A more useful description is that reactive programming is a way of looking at software as the interaction of […]

Software & Systems

Programming and Attitudes

June 8, 2023

Via: Database Trends and Applications

In dealing with databases, there are times when one must do some level of programming. With the rise of the variety of ETL, data pipeline, and data platform tools, programming elements have become mushy, confused, and scattered. This confusion has […]

Software & Systems

Ballerina: A programming language for the cloud

March 8, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Ballerina, which is developed and supported by WSO2, is billed as “a statically typed, open-source, cloud-native programming language.” What is a cloud-native programming language? In the case of Ballerina, it is one that supports networking and common internet data structures […]

Software & Systems

12 programming mistakes to avoid

March 6, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Just as the art world is filled with wildly divergent opinions about what makes a great work of art, programmers often disagree upon what makes for great code, at least beyond the basic requirement that it shouldn’t crash. Every developer […]

Software & Systems

Machine Learning Tools

September 28, 2022


Machine learning tools allow computers to become more accurate in predicting outcomes. The computer’s software makes decisions based on experiences rather than programming. The algorithm (basically a series of instructions) collects data on its interactions, and that data is used […]

BI Users, IT Team

How to turn your app idea into a reality

February 21, 2020

Via: Mashable

Most great app ideas begin and end in the ideation phase. In part, this is thanks to a prevailing mindset that breaking into the app industry is costly, labor-intensive, and reserved for only the minority of highly-skilled developers out there. […]

BI Users, IT Team

The 7 most vexing problems in programming

November 7, 2016

Via: CIO

It’s been said that the uncharted territories of the old maps were often marked with the ominous warning: “Here be dragons.” Perhaps apocryphal, the idea was that no one wandering into these unknown corners of the world should do so […]