
Tag: cloud providers

Software & Systems

The next 10 years for cloud computing

July 5, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

The landscape of cloud computing is changing significantly as enterprises question the value of public cloud solutions. This shift marks a departure from previous years when the public cloud was widely regarded as the panacea for all technology and infrastructure needs. […]

Software & Systems

Are the different public clouds really that different?

March 8, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

In the rapidly evolving landscape of IaaS cloud computing, public cloud providers are increasingly reaching feature and function parity. This means they are beginning to look alike. Before you keyboard warriors remind me that some obscure feature in the object […]

Software & Systems

Did AI blow up your cloud bill?

January 6, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

The term artificial intelligence was first used in a 1955 proposal for a study submitted by John McCarthy of Dartmouth College, Marvin Minsky of Harvard University, Nathaniel Rochester at IBM, and Claude Shannon at Bell Telephone Laboratories. This happened before […]

Software & Systems

3 cloud architecture best practices for industry clouds

December 23, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

1. Understand the cost and complexity of service integration and consider all alternatives. We’ve seen this movie before. Years ago, IT was dominated by service-oriented architecture concepts that are systemic to today’s clouds. We often looked for industry-specific services or […]