
Tag: Wi-Fi

BI Security

5 Wi-Fi vulnerabilities you need to know about

February 14, 2024

Via: Network World

Effectively securing enterprise Wi-Fi networks is about more than simply setting up the latest encryption or implementing 802.1X authentication. Those are certainly important, but there are many more vulnerabilities to consider. Whether you’re trying to troubleshoot strange Wi-Fi behavior or […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Wi-Fi Alliance starts official certification for Wi-Fi 7 devices

January 8, 2024

Via: Network World

The Wi-Fi Alliance has begun its official certification program for wireless devices compatible with its latest Wi-Fi 7 standard, also known as 802.11be, marking an important milestone for potential enterprise users. The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 7 program, announced today, means that […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Why Wi-Fi 6 is an essential driver of digital transformation

March 17, 2020

Via: CIO

It has taken less than two decades for Wi-Fi to become a ubiquitous aspect of modern organisations, with customers and employees alike expecting easy access to fast and reliable networks. So when the Wi-Fi network fails them, not only is […]

BI Security

That private network on the Wi-Fi band? Probably won’t happen

November 11, 2016

Via: CIO

Satellite service provider Globalstar has dropped its controversial plan to launch a wireless network in the U.S. in part of an unlicensed band that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth use. The plan had alarmed supporters of those technologies who feared the network […]