
Tag: Data Education

BI Categories, Data Mining

Combining Data Mesh and Data Fabric

July 24, 2024


Data silos represent a major business challenge, as noted by 60.9% of organizations in a recent Trends in Data Management survey. Without shared information, companies risk duplication, poor data quality, and missed opportunities for innovation. Consequently, many companies turn to […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Concierge: Driving Business Intelligence Collaboration

July 22, 2024


Discerning businesses are ensuring each area of their organizations has access to performance metrics. Armed with data, their teams can accelerate decision-making, respond to client and marketplace demands, and mitigate risks. The issue is many organizations have segregated data environments. […]

BI Categories, BI Security, Data Mining

The Rise of Cybersecurity Data Lakes: Shielding the Future of Data

July 22, 2024


The increase in the prevalence and complexity of data breaches points to one conclusion – traditional cybersecurity measures are no longer enough to keep our valuable data safe. According to a recent report, data breaches exposed a staggering 35 billion records in the […]

BI Security

Output Monitoring to Overcome LLM Vulnerabilities

July 19, 2024


The vulnerabilities in large language models (LLMs), such as their ability to create hallucinations, their inherent biases, and their susceptibility to corruption, have led to hesitation among businesses in deploying AI applications for business advantage. This concern is compounded further […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Synchronization: Definition, Tips, Myths, and Best Practices

July 17, 2024


Businesses rely on accurate, synchronized information to make informed decisions. Because discordant data leads to operational inefficiencies, missed opportunities, and costly mistakes. Hence, a unified, reliable source of truth is key, which is possible through data synchronization. It helps maintain […]


Integrate Data Architecture with Business Operations to Boost Success Now

July 15, 2024


In the contemporary data-driven business landscape, the seamless integration of data architecture with business operations has become critical for success. There is a symbiosis between sophisticated data architectures and operational agility that demonstrates how this integration facilitates real-time decision-making, predictive analytics, […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Implementing Data Fabric: 7 Key Steps

July 9, 2024


Understanding the importance of data integration is vital in the intricate process of implementing a data fabric. Data fabric architecture aims to create a unified and integrated environment for managing an organization’s data sprawl across various platforms and systems. Within […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

Ask a Data Ethicist: When Is It OK to Use “Fake” Data?

July 8, 2024


It’s easier than ever to use AI-generated images or text and to create synthetic data for use in research. A recent high-profile story got me thinking more about this question: When is it OK to use “fake” data? Before we […]

BI Categories, Business Analysis

Enhancing the Reliability of Predictive Analytics Models

June 28, 2024


Predictive analytics is a branch of analytics that identifies the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. The goal is to provide the best assessment of what will happen in the future. Basically, predictive analytics answers the question “What […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Streamlining Your Data Needs for Generative AI

June 26, 2024


Companies are investing heavily in AI projects as they see huge potential in generative AI. Consultancies have predicted opportunities to reduce costs and improve revenues through deploying generative AI – for example, McKinsey predicts that generative AI could add $2.6 […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Why Effective Data Management is Key to Meeting Rising GenAI Demands

June 24, 2024


OpenAI’s ChatGPT release less than two years ago launched generative AI (GenAI) into the mainstream, with both enterprises and consumers discovering new ways to use it every day. For organizations, it’s unlocking opportunities to deliver more exceptional experiences to customers, […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

What Doesn’t Work with Data Governance

June 21, 2024


Data governance is crucial for businesses aiming to maximize the value of their data, yet several common issues can significantly hinder its effectiveness. Let’s dive straight into these challenges and outline actionable strategies for overcoming them. Silos and Misalignment Data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Integrity: What It Is and Why It Matters

June 20, 2024


The term “garbage in, garbage out,” or GIGO, dates back to the earliest days of commercial computing in the mid-20th century. Yet the concept was present more than 100 years earlier at the very dawn of computing. When Charles Babbage […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Building a Common Data Language: How a Semantic Layer Drives Collaboration and Trust

June 17, 2024


The self-service analytics revolution was intended to free business users from IT chains. The idea was to break the IT bottleneck by allowing businesses to create their own data products. After all, businesses understand their respective domains better than anyone […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Retention Policies Must Evolve to Address Emerging Technologies and Data Growth

June 14, 2024


The emergence of new technologies, including AI, IoT, and blockchain, in addition to the widespread embrace of digital transformation, has driven a dramatic increase in data. The reliance on data analytics to drive data-driven decision-making also requires large volumes of […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Data Integrity Through Legacy Modernization

June 12, 2024


Legacy systems are the backbone of many businesses, especially those in the industry for decades. These systems ensure a stable and reliable platform for conducting smooth business operations. However, decade-old legacy systems can also pose risks and challenges to data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

How Not to Put Data Governance into Practice: Four Common Mistakes

June 10, 2024


There’s a fair amount of high-level advice on the internet about implementing data governance, which means the practices an organization uses to ensure its data is available, usable, complete, and secure. But what you won’t find, at least not in […]

BI Security

Enhancing Cloud Security in Response to Growing Digital Threats

June 7, 2024


Organizations increasingly rely on cloud services to improve operations and promote innovation. This spike in use has increased cyberattacks targeting cloud settings, emphasizing the necessity for strong cloud security. Recent incidents demonstrate the issue’s severity. In April, AT&T announced that […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Navigating Data Readiness for Generative AI

June 5, 2024


Just about everyone in tech agrees that generative AI is poised to hit the business world like a tidal wave. There’s less agreement about when the transformation will occur, and how generative AI will be harnessed to boost profitability. A survey of chief […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Why Your Business Needs Data Modeling and Business Architecture Integration

May 31, 2024


In the contemporary business environment, the integration of data modeling and business structure is not only advantageous but crucial. This dynamic pair of documents serves as the foundation for strategic decision-making, providing organizations with a distinct pathway toward success. Data […]