
Tag: feaured

BI Security

Security incident response teams are human, too

November 20, 2023

Via: Computer Weekly

When it comes to security incident response strategies, it seems that many organisations tend to focus a great deal on the importance of cyber resilience, which is entirely valid, but they often forget to factor in the value of human […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

IT not ready for AI, Pure Storage survey finds

November 20, 2023

Via: Computer Weekly

Most organisations just don’t have the IT infrastructure to handle the compute, storage and energy requirements that artificial intelligence (AI) deployments bring. In fact, one-third think a total overhaul of their IT estate will be needed to be able to […]

BI Users, IT Team

Can developer productivity be measured? Better than you think

November 20, 2023

Via: CIO

Measuring developer productivity has long been a Holy Grail of business. And like the Holy Grail, it has been elusive. But based on our work with companies from a range of industries, we think we may have figured out a […]

BI Users, Business Users

6 most underhyped technologies in IT — plus one that’s not dead yet

November 20, 2023

Via: CIO

Generative AI and, more specifically, ChatGPT captivated the corporate world in 2023, with board directors, CEOs, and other executives fawning (and sometimes fearing) the technology. Their enthusiasm is justified, with multiple studies finding that AI is delivering strong value and […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Machine Learning: Challenges and Opportunities for Modern Data Executives

November 17, 2023


The transformational promise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for enterprises has fueled enormous excitement and massive investment by data executives. One estimate predicts that AI’s contribution to the global economy could reach an extraordinary $15.7 trillion by […]