
Tag: developers

BI Users, IT Team

11 surprising ways developers are using Wasm

June 10, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

When the browser began, it was just a window for displaying some text and maybe a few images. It was just a new way to distribute the same kind of documents that you might find on a coffee table, like […]

BI Users, IT Team

10 principles for creating a great developer experience

May 6, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

About a decade ago, I was a CIO evaluating a technology solution and I shared our primary requirements with a prospective vendor’s rep. He demoed at least three products from the company’s portfolio. Each tool had its own user experience, […]

BI Users, IT Team

Most developers have adopted devops, survey says

April 16, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

As of the first quarter of 2024, 83% of developers were involved in devops-related activities such as performance monitoring, security testing, or CI/CD, according to the State of CI/CD Report 2024, published by the Continuous Delivery (CD) Foundation, a part […]

BI Users, Business Users

Developers, unite! Join the fight for code quality

March 20, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

For software engineers, a vote for quality isn’t always on the institutional ballot. Sometimes (too often) the sole metric for success is speed. The directive goes: Get your code out the door ASAP and leave the pesky testing to quality […]

BI Users, IT Team

3 things network pros need to tell developers about why the network matters

February 27, 2023

Via: Network World

Of the 47 enterprises I chatted with in December, guess how many were NOT users of hybrid cloud. Zero. Guess how many ever used another cloud model. Zero. Guess how many believe they will “move everything to the cloud”. Zero. […]

Software & Systems

Tabnine readies AI-generated unit testing for developers

February 23, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Tabnine, maker of an AI-powered coding assistant for developers, has launched a tool to provide automatic code testing.Introduced February 22 and now in beta, Tabnine’s unit test generation capability uses artificial intelligence to generate unit tests for code automatically, with […]

BI Users, Business Users

What developers should do during a downturn

January 25, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Many young developers today do not remember the time of the shedding and cold rocks, let alone the dotcom bomb (or its associated fansite). Before each of these collapses, the fat times felt like they would never end. But fat […]

Software & Systems

5 reasons developers love GraphQL, and 5 reasons they hate it

January 9, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

If your team is building an API, there’s a good chance you’re thinking about embracing GraphQL. If you’re a developer who wants to search for data, there’s a good chance the next generation of databases will want you to send […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Why database design choices matter to developers

July 26, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

Software developers today have more options open to them. They have tools and services that can help them build new applications quickly, then launch those services to customers globally, and then scale them up to meet growing demand. Microservices architectures […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

You’ve Got the Data. Why Can’t Your Developers Build with it?

May 27, 2022

Via: CIO

Customers demand experiences that meet them at the speed of life. Think about an app that lets you know exactly when your latte will be ready or one that offers you alternate flight options as soon as you miss your […]

BI Categories, BI Users, Data Analyst, Data Mining

8 factors shaping the future of big data, machine learning and AI

May 3, 2019

Via: CIO

I’ve just spent a couple of days at O’Reilly’s Strata Data Conference in London and got a much better idea where the world of big data, machine learning (ML) and AI may be heading. These sectors have developed rapidly over […]

BI Users, Business Users, IT Team

What enterprise software developers can learn from consumer apps

February 1, 2017

Via: CIO

Companies are asking why the enterprise applications that their employees, customers and partners use every day can’t be as simple and intuitive to use as the apps on their smartphones. They can be. In fact, corporate IT is already taking […]