
Tag: developer

BI Users, IT Team

Developer productivity poorly understood, report says

July 18, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Developer productivity is neither well-understood nor enabled, according to Atlassian’s just-released State of Developer Experience Report 2024. The report also found that interest in the developer experience, or DX, is growing but efforts are lagging. Announced July 15 and accessible at, […]

BI Users, Business Users

How to build a developer-first company

April 4, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

At my company, Descope, we are building a customer authentication and identity management product, meaning the end user and the developer are two sides of the same coin. Providing a great developer experience—by enabling our customers to easily add auth […]

BI Users, IT Team

10 ways to destroy developer happiness

January 8, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Software developers are vital to the success of your enterprise, and as a manager, you need to know how to keep them happy at work. We’ve already discussed the 9 ways to keep your developer team happy. Now, let’s examine […]

BI Users, IT Team

How generative AI will create a developer talent shortage

December 4, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

The job market for software developers has always been competitive, but we’re about to experience a talent crunch unlike anything we’ve ever seen in this industry. Generative AI is everywhere, and anyone who works in software is trying to figure […]

BI Users, IT Team

From the 10x developer to the 10x team

March 28, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Bigfoot and the mythical 10x developer have a lot in common: Sightings are rare and not definitive. However, although many people have a fuzzy idea about what a Bigfoot looks like, the profile of the 10x developer—the developer who is […]

Software & Systems

12 programming mistakes to avoid

March 6, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Just as the art world is filled with wildly divergent opinions about what makes a great work of art, programmers often disagree upon what makes for great code, at least beyond the basic requirement that it shouldn’t crash. Every developer […]

BI Users, IT Team

Open source job security through recessions

July 11, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

Are we in a recession? The answer seems to be “definitely maybe,” with the Wall Street Journal reporting that “if the U.S. is in a recession, it’s a very strange one” because while economic output has been falling, the job […]

Software & Systems

How to manage software developers without micromanaging

February 14, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

I’ve been asked several times this year about measuring a software developer’s productivity, quality, and outcomes, especially when leadership promotes hybrid working models. But here’s the reality that tech organizations face when it’s difficult to hire and retain great software […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

The best way to grow your tech career? Treat it like an app

July 30, 2021

Via: Tech Crunch

Software developers and engineers have rarely been in higher demand. Organizations’ need for technical talent is skyrocketing, but the supply is quite limited. As a result, software professionals have the luxury of being very choosy about where they work and […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data scientists: Bring the narrative to the forefront

April 16, 2021

Via: Tech Crunch

By 2025, 463 exabytes of data will be created each day, according to some estimates. (For perspective, one exabyte of storage could hold 50,000 years of DVD-quality video.) It’s now easier than ever to translate physical and digital actions into […]

BI Users, IT Team

Are software developers important? Yes, very

February 23, 2021

Via: InfoWorld

Steve Ballmer said it best. Developers are critically important, and developers were the unsung heroes of 2020. I suppose that shocks no one, and in a recent survey of executives by the NoSQL database firm Couchbase, 92% of the executives […]

Software & Systems

What’s different about hiring data scientists in 2020?

August 12, 2020

Via: Tech Crunch

It’s 2020 and the world has changed remarkably, including in how companies screen data science candidates. While many things have changed, there is one change that stands out above the rest. At The Data Incubator, we run a data science […]

BI Users, Business Users

Apple releases first beta of iOS 13.1, indicating iOS 13 is nearly done

August 28, 2019

Via: Tech Crunch

Surprise, Apple didn’t release yet another beta version of iOS 13. The company released the first developer beta of iOS and iPadOS 13.1 instead. This is a curious move, as Apple doesn’t usually share beta versions of .1 updates before […]

BI Users, IT Team

PHP vs. Node.js: An epic battle for developer mind share

February 9, 2017

Via: CIO

It’s a classic Hollywood plot: the battle between two old friends who went separate ways. Often the friction begins when one pal sparks an interest in what had always been the other pal’s unspoken domain. In the programming language version […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

Why don’t developers have a ‘spellchecker’ for security’?

October 31, 2016

Via: CIO

Despite all the news coverage about successful cyberattacks, developers are still writing code full of security vulnerabilities. Of course, nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes, and as software projects get more and more complex, it can be easy to […]

Software & Systems

Google’s new acquisition makes building chatbots easier

September 20, 2016

Via: CIO

Google took a shot at Facebook’s chatbot-building services on Monday with its acquisition of, a company that helps developers build and improve conversational interfaces for their services. has more than 60,000 developers using its platform to create conversational […]