
Tag: data warehouses

Basic Querying, BI Categories

What Is a Data Dictionary?

March 13, 2024


A data dictionary describes data in business terms, including information about the data. It includes elements like data types, structure details, and security restrictions. Unlike business glossaries, which focus on data across the organization, data dictionaries support data architectures – […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Top Data Migration Considerations for Data Teams

September 11, 2023


Organizations have become highly data-centric in the past years, increasing complications and costs as the volume of data rose. However, data integrity issues alone cost organizations $12.9 million annually, on average, according to Gartner. Because of this, data professionals have […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

What Technologies Should I Include in My Digital Transformation Strategy?

June 2, 2023


If your enterprise is about to undertake a digital transformation (Dx) project, you should understand that these initiatives require a focus on more than the technology itself. To succeed with a digital transformation strategy, the business must focus on business […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

A Brief History of Business Intelligence

April 6, 2023


In 1865, Richard Millar Devens presented the phrase “Business Intelligence” (BI) in the “Cyclopædia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes.” He used it to describe how Sir Henry Furnese, a banker, profited from information by gathering and acting on it before […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Lakehouses: The Future Of Data Migration

February 10, 2023


It’s no surprise that, in 2023, business enterprises want to become truly data-driven organizations. For many of these organizations, the path toward becoming more data-driven lies in the power of data lakehouses, which combine elements of data warehouse architecture with […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Mesh Architecture Benefits and Challenges

January 26, 2023


ThoughtWorks consultant Zhamak Dehghani created the concept of data mesh as a self-serve, domain-oriented design that later evolved into a data-as-a-product design. By integrating and analyzing data from disconnected systems all at once, the data mesh architecture benefits the organization […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Are Data Warehouses Still Relevant?

January 25, 2023


Over the past few years, enterprise data architectures have evolved significantly to accommodate the changing data requirements of modern businesses. The emergence of advanced data storage technologies, such as cloud computing, data hubs, and data lakes, makes us question the […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Trustability: The Bridge Between Data Quality and Data Observability

August 15, 2022


If data is the new oil, then high-quality data is the new black gold. Just like with oil, if you don’t have good data quality, you will not get very far. You might not even make it out of the […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Establishing Connections and Putting an End to Data Silos

August 1, 2022


The global pandemic and the move to remote and hybrid workplaces have highlighted the importance of connections in an increasingly disconnected world. While the traditional office setting has become dispersed, business leaders must still connect everyone and everything within their […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Evaluating Data Lakes vs. Data Warehouses

March 21, 2022


While data lakes and data warehouses are both important Data Management tools, they serve very different purposes. If you’re trying to determine whether you need a data lake, a data warehouse, or possibly even both, you’ll want to understand the […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

How to Use Data Analytics to Gain Valuable Insights with Limited Data

February 3, 2022


Every modern business professional understands the importance of data. Data can separate the forest from the trees, providing business leaders with a new perspective. From valuable insights regarding customer satisfaction to understanding vital improvements that you can make operationally, data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Managing Data That is Constantly on the Move

November 1, 2021

Via: Database Trends and Applications

Data is not sedentary. Once data has been created, it gets moved around to support many different purposes. One type is production data versus test data, and it is likely that there are multiple test environments, for example, to support […]