
Tag: data strategy

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Privacy Through Robust Data Governance: Strategies and Best Practices

May 20, 2024


Today, more than ever, people are concerned about data privacy. Reflecting this, countries all over the world have introduced privacy laws – GDPR and CCPA being the biggest examples. These laws govern how businesses should collect, manage, and maintain data. […]

BI Users, Business Users

Data Intelligence: The Key to Empowered People and Decisions

May 13, 2024


McKinsey analysts predict that enterprise employees will rely on data for almost every decision come 2025. If true, this development would mark a significant departure from the current business modus operandi. According to our research, only 25% of enterprise data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Automated Data Management Tools

April 25, 2024


“Why?” a chief technology officer (CTO) may ask when the subject of automated Data Management tools arises. After all, their organization has probably already been storing, archiving, and backing up enterprise data day after day with success. For example, setting […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Building an Effective Data Strategy for Edge Deployments

February 9, 2024


Data analytics and integration are the key components of building a data strategy. For organizations to have an effective data strategy, it requires the definition of measurable metrics and proper consideration of all data sources. An effective data strategy also […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Reimagining Data Strategy to Unlock AI’s Potential

January 25, 2024


Data: The currency powering the modern digital economy. In a world generating 3.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, one reality is clear – we’re surrounded by a sea of information. While this abundance of data presents immense opportunities, businesses […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Strategy Trends in 2024

January 23, 2024


In 2024, organizations must embrace a good Data Strategy, a reliable touchstone created by an organization for businesspeople in their data-related endeavors and support its evolution. Executives face mounting pressure to swiftly adapt to a dynamic marketplace and demonstrate tangible […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

What is your data strategy for an AI future?

January 22, 2024

Via: CIO

As enterprises become more data-driven, the old computing adage garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) has never been truer. The application of AI to many business processes will only accelerate the need to ensure the veracity and timeliness of the data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Management Predictions for 2024: Five Emerging Trends

December 15, 2023


As we near the end of 2023, it is imperative for Data Management leaders to look in their rear-view mirrors to assess and, if needed, refine their Data Management strategies. One thing is clear; if data-centric organizations want to succeed […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data-Driven Decision-Making 101

November 30, 2023


Data-driven decision-making involves utilizing data and analytics to solve business problems. Relying on facts rather than intuition or personal opinions can lead to more accurate and effective decisions. In business organizations, evidence-based decisions can optimize operations, enhance productivity, and drive […]

BI Users, Data Analyst

Data Governors, First Govern Yourselves

November 10, 2023


Data Governance, as currently practiced, is failing. There have been some successes, but by and large, even these efforts have fallen short. Worse, many of those tasked with contributing to Data Governance find the effort painful. We have enormous sympathy […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

What Is Data Architecture? Components and Uses

November 2, 2023


Data Architecture describes the infrastructure that connects a Business Strategy and Data Strategy with technical execution. Ideally, Data Architecture happens within a systematic framework, providing a foundation for people and systems to work with data. Three types of components underlie […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Is your data strategy ready for gen AI? LOB leaders may disagree

November 2, 2023

Via: CIO

Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI are putting more pressure on analytics and IT leaders to get their houses in order when it comes to data strategy and data management. Line-of-business leaders are feeling the need to […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

5 Ways to Use Data to Make Workplace Decisions

October 30, 2023


In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, decision-making has shifted from relying on gut instinct and the loudest voice in the room to data-driven approaches. In this article, we will explore five powerful ways to harness data for making informed decisions […]

BI Users, Business Users

Data-sharing strategy needs business buy-in

October 6, 2023

Via: Computer Weekly

A survey of data scientists for Capital One Software, the software business spun out of Capital One Bank, has found that many struggle to secure funding for self-service initiatives. Forrester Consulting surveyed 150 data science, analytics, cloud infrastructure and data […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Getting Executive Buy-in for Data Management

September 26, 2023


Within the last several years, the marketplace has shifted from industrial-produced to data-based. Consequently, many companies have a strong drive to become data-driven, from financial firms to nonprofits. Yet, when C-suite managers and others discuss making money from data, they […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

How Data Governance and Data Literacy Overlap

August 9, 2023


In today’s tech-driven world, with 120 zettabytes generated annually, most of us already use data – and lots of it. “Everyone who reads a paper or scrolls through the Internet is already acquainted with data,” said Wendy Lynch, founder of […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

What Is Data Strategy and Why Do You Need It?

July 26, 2023


With the increasing amount of data available, businesses need to have a clear, enterprise-wide plan on how to collect, analyze, and use data to make informed decisions. A well-laid-out plan or “Data Strategy” can help businesses identify gaps and take […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

6 strategic imperatives for your next data strategy

June 23, 2023

Via: CIO

According to the MIT Technology Review Insights Survey, an enterprise data strategy supports vital business objectives including expanding sales, improving operational efficiency, and reducing time to market. It can also help organizations enter new product or service markets, as well […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Developing a Data Strategy Template

June 22, 2023


Organizations want a solid and usable Data Strategy template – a well-thought-out plan for a set of decisions that form a pattern, charting a high-level course of action – but face challenges. For example, only 30% of companies have impactful […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

What Is Data Governance? Benefits, Types, Uses

June 20, 2023


Data Governance (DG) is a business program and bedrock that supports harmonized data activities across the organization. It accomplishes this goal as a formalized framework implemented to the specifications of a corporate Data Strategy. Applying governance, as a whole, requires […]