
Tag: cloud strategy

BI Users, IT Team, Software & Systems

Transforming IT for cloud success

March 6, 2023

Via: CIO

Taking full advantage of a cloud transformation requires a new approach to IT. CIOs are restructuring IT orgs and strategies to unleash talent and leave legacy processes behind. As CIO Neil Holden moved his company, Halfords Group, further into the […]

Software & Systems

Are You Overthinking Your Cloud Model? You Need a Cloud Strategy

January 30, 2023

Via: CIO

Are you overthinking your cloud model? If so, you’re likely in need of a well-defined cloud strategy. Companies with a clear cloud strategy position themselves to achieve more from cloud computing than those without. A well-defined cloud strategy provides a […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Top cloud strategy mistakes CIOs can’t help making

December 20, 2022

Via: CIO

Cloud adoption continues its meteoric rise, with IT leaders increasingly going all-in on the platform. But succeeding in the cloud can be complex, and CIOs have continued to fumble their cloud strategies in 2022 in a variety of ways, industry […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

7 cloud myths debunked

March 27, 2019

Via: CIO

Myths can be fun and entertaining when they involve the exploits of ancient gods and heroes. The amusement stops quickly, however, when a myth hampers IT or enterprise success. So it goes with the stubborn misconceptions that delay or prevent […]