
Tag: cloud computing

Software & Systems

The next 10 years for cloud computing

July 5, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

The landscape of cloud computing is changing significantly as enterprises question the value of public cloud solutions. This shift marks a departure from previous years when the public cloud was widely regarded as the panacea for all technology and infrastructure needs. […]

BI Security

Security in the public cloud explained: A guide for IT and security admins

July 1, 2024

Via: Computer Weekly

Who is responsible for security in the public cloud? This is a question businesses need to consider as they increasingly deploy more workloads and use cloud-based IT infrastructure, platform services and applications. In Gartner’s How to make integrated IaaS and […]

BI Security, Software & Systems

True cloud security requires in-depth understanding

June 11, 2024

Via: Computer Weekly

As with most endeavours, incorporating security into the process as early as possible is essential when building or migrating to technologies such as the cloud. Whether you are beginning your journey of migrating key services to the cloud or launching a […]

BI Security

Enhancing Cloud Security in Response to Growing Digital Threats

June 7, 2024


Organizations increasingly rely on cloud services to improve operations and promote innovation. This spike in use has increased cyberattacks targeting cloud settings, emphasizing the necessity for strong cloud security. Recent incidents demonstrate the issue’s severity. In April, AT&T announced that […]

Software & Systems

How to improve cloud-based generative AI performance

May 21, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

It’s Monday. You come into the office only to be met with a dozen emails from your system development teammates requesting to speak with you right away. It seems that the generative AI-enabled inventory management system you launched a week […]

Software & Systems

ESG tools for cloud computing can be a distraction

April 9, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors have gained significant traction recently. Giving yourself a ranking to prove your worth as a good citizen of the planet seems like a great idea. These tools are worth looking at, but the reality […]

Software & Systems

Are the different public clouds really that different?

March 8, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

In the rapidly evolving landscape of IaaS cloud computing, public cloud providers are increasingly reaching feature and function parity. This means they are beginning to look alike. Before you keyboard warriors remind me that some obscure feature in the object […]

Software & Systems

Making cloud infrastructure programmable for developers

February 20, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Most developers don’t use infrastructure as code (IaC), argues AWS tech lead Chris Munns. But to those top 10% to 15% of developers who do use modern development technologies such as IaC go the spoils. Even if the audience for […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Addressing cloud waste: 4 steps to cloud computing cost optimization

February 12, 2024

Via: CIO

From the get-go, the cloud promised to help companies scale up their architectures in seconds, run their applications faster, never turn away a transaction, and save money through economies of scale. How could any CIO or application manager resist the […]

BI Users, Business Users

What to Expect in 2024: The Dominance of Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Architecture

December 28, 2023


In 2024, the IT landscape will continue to shift and evolve. Driven by the relentless advancement of cloud computing and the growing demand for hybrid and multi-cloud environments, the next year will be marked by several trends that will become […]

BI Users, Business Users

The evolution of multitenancy for cloud services

December 1, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Okay, I’m going to geek out for this one. The start of my cloud computing career was not using cloud computing services, it was building them. This meant setting up a service that could do complex things, handle many service […]

Software & Systems

Best practices for operating cloud-based generative AI systems

October 17, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Guess what? Cloud computing conferences are now generative AI conferences. How did that happen? It’s a simple matter of cloud providers seeing generative AI as the best way to sell more cloud services, and they are not wrong. As businesses […]

BI Users, Business Users

3 things to do right now to enhance your cloud computing career

September 15, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

One of the most common questions I get is not, “Which cloud is best?” It’s, “How do I improve my cloud computing career growth?” First, let’s focus on what not to do. Don’t spend too much on executive MBA programs […]

BI Users, Business Users

The Struggles of Cloud and Data: Simplifying with a Single, Unified Solution

August 25, 2023


In today’s world, a single-environment approach to IT is no longer supporting the needs of modern businesses. According to my company’s fifth annual Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI), organizations today, and moving forward, are apt to use more than one infrastructure […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Portability May Save Your Cloud Workloads

July 27, 2023


As businesses try to optimize their costs during economic downturns, ramping up cloud spend can be a pain point. Efforts to alleviate this – from, say, moving workloads to a cost-effective environment/on-prem or re-architecting to save costs – become difficult, […]

BI Users, Business Users

How to value cloud computing services

July 18, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Value refers to the worth or usefulness that something holds for individuals or organizations. It is subjective and can vary from person to person, or business to business, or from one context to another. Value can be seen as the […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

Data Science vs. Machine Learning vs. AI

June 28, 2023


In the data economy, data is king. Today, any business – small, medium, or large – thrives on its data assets. The recent trend of offering data-driven insights as a service has opened up a profitable revenue channel for businesses. […]

Software & Systems

What’s missing in your cloud optimization projects

June 6, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

The concept of cloud optimization is emerging out of the concerns that many businesses are not getting the value out of cloud computing they expected. Simply put, companies are discovering that their existing cloud-hosted systems need to undergo “optimization.” This […]

Software & Systems

Funding for cloud-based generative AI

June 2, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Even though many IT budgets are down, and belt tightening seems to be the clear trend, next year many enterprises are preparing for a rush to generative AI that they are not ready to pay for. It’s time to start […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

What Technologies Should I Include in My Digital Transformation Strategy?

June 2, 2023


If your enterprise is about to undertake a digital transformation (Dx) project, you should understand that these initiatives require a focus on more than the technology itself. To succeed with a digital transformation strategy, the business must focus on business […]