
Tag: Careers

BI Users, Executive

2 CIO action items for 2022

March 2, 2022

Via: CIO

There is a structure and discipline to the art of futuring. Every quarter I conduct a conversational walkabout in the CXO community seeking to understand the mindsets, projects, and priorities defining the IT landscape. In Q1, 2022, I am asking […]

Software & Systems

How to manage software developers without micromanaging

February 14, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

I’ve been asked several times this year about measuring a software developer’s productivity, quality, and outcomes, especially when leadership promotes hybrid working models. But here’s the reality that tech organizations face when it’s difficult to hire and retain great software […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories

Hands-on IT skills pay off more than certs, study says

August 30, 2021

Via: CIO

IT workers looking for a new job following the “great resignation” could make bank if they have experience in risk analytics and assessment, smart contracts, devsecops, or another of the more in-demand skills of the moment. But the flipside is […]

BI Users, IT Team

Women in IT are burned out. The pandemic is making it worse.

June 4, 2021

Via: CIO

With the need to keep organizations humming through a global pandemic, this past year has placed considerable stress on IT professionals. Taken in total, however, the strains of adjusting to life and work under COVID-19 have fallen disproporationally on women […]

BI Users, IT Team

Are software developers important? Yes, very

February 23, 2021

Via: InfoWorld

Steve Ballmer said it best. Developers are critically important, and developers were the unsung heroes of 2020. I suppose that shocks no one, and in a recent survey of executives by the NoSQL database firm Couchbase, 92% of the executives […]

Basic Querying, BI Categories, BI Users, Business Users

Prepare for the work-from-anywhere revolution

January 14, 2021

Via: InfoWorld

Traditional in-person physical offices have been disappearing from our work lives for many years. With pandemic-wracked 2020 receding into history, many sectors of the global economy now have experienced the pleasures and frustrations of working from home. Emergence of hybrid […]

BI Users, IT Team

7 steps to landing your first IT job, fast

March 29, 2019

Via: CIO

IT is a constantly expanding sector with its ever-increasing demand for skilled talent and the projected scope for growth within the next few years. This is especially true for the Information Security subfield for which the vacancies are drastically going […]

Software & Systems

Are your hiring practices filtering tech talent you want and need?

March 1, 2019

Via: CIO

Despite the tech sector’s massive growth and need for talent, its hiring practices have remained stagnant. The industry continues to see low numbers of women and minority employees. According to Reveal, opportunities for women and people of color narrow as […]

BI Categories, Data Mining

What is a data artist? A role for drawing IT and business together

September 19, 2018

Via: CIO

Charles Joseph Minard is arguably the world’s most famous data artist. By combining several data sets, including troop numbers, direction, temperature and terrain, he created in 1869 a visualization of Napoleon’s 1812 Russian campaign. Though that military exercise ended in […]

Software & Systems

What’s so funny about a business presentation?

July 19, 2018

Via: CIO

When coaching executives who have to deliver presentations to large audiences, I always begin by asking them what performance skills they would most like to learn or improve. They often say, “I want to be funny.” My response is always, […]

BI Security

4 most in-demand cybersecurity skills

June 1, 2018

Via: CIO

There were more data breaches last year than any year on record, and that trend shows no signs of slowing down. First, it was Yahoo which recently announced that all 3 billion user accounts (not 1 billion like initially reported), […]

BI Users, IT Team

6 business analyst certifications to advance your analytics career

May 2, 2018

Via: CIO

Certifications for business analysts are still emerging, but there’s already a handful of organizations offering exams to certify your business analytics skills. Business analysts help organizations make the most of the data they collect by finding trends, patterns and errors […]