
Tag: A.I

BI Categories, Data Mining

IBM’s A.I. Can Now Mine People’s Collective Thoughts. Will Businesses Use This Data Thoughtfully?

December 12, 2019

Via: Fortune

It’s ironic, but artificial intelligence is on the cusp of harnessing the collective wisdom locked inside the human hive mind. Showcasing a piece of software at a debate in the 200-year old Cambridge Union debating society in Cambridge, England in […]

BI Users, Business Users, IT Team

The Pace of Change: How Internal Audits Can Help IT Capitalize On Intelligent Automation

August 20, 2018

Via: CIO

Intelligent automation has the potential to transform nearly every aspect of business. It can increase the speed, operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness and accuracy of activities in IT, HR, operations, finance and more. Workers can generate more impactful insights and make smarter […]